Międzyzdroje - perełka wyspy wolin

Międzyzdroje has been very popular among tourists for many years. This tradition dates back to the times of the People’s Republic of Poland, when crowds of people from People’s Poland came to the city as part of employee holidays.

Now, however, it is a city of modern hotels and comfortable rest. In the season and beyond, you can enjoy the sea here, and in summer have fun at the famous European Festival of Stars in Międzyzdroje.

What is worth seeing?

Tourist attractions of Międzyzdroje

We can find various interesting places in Międzyzdroje. The city and the island of Wolin are must-see for every self-respecting tourist visiting the region. You can go to the 400-meter-long pier, which opened in 2004, which also functions as a coastal shipping pier. When entering it, we will see a curiosity – a meteorological cabinet from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It has a thermometer, hygrometer and barometer, i.e. all devices that will tell us what the aura awaits us.

The beach in Międzyzdroje is considered to be one of the most beautiful in Poland. It is safe and clean and has fine sand. It is surrounded by beautiful cliffs and is perfect for water sports, for which there is a rental of equipment.

The wonders of the Wolin Island

In the Wolin National Park, it is worth seeing the highest cliffs in Poland (even 90 meters!) And climbing Góra Gosań, which is a great vantage point. You can walk here along the tourist routes between beautiful beech forests and admire the island delta of the Świna River. In the Żubrów Farm, we will see these majestic animals. A well-known attraction of the park is also the Turquoise Lake with a characteristic water color, formed in an old chalk opencast mine.

Every year, the Slavs and Vikings Festival is held on the Wolin Island. There are plenty of attractions there: you can watch combat shows and medieval crafts. We will also try on the warrior's gear and check if we can handle combat, archery or javelin throwing. In addition, during the fair, we will try Wolin's delicacies. There are also attractions for children - games, competitions and tournaments. There are concerts in the evenings.

Stars of Międzyzdroje

Avenue of Stars is the Polish equivalent of the famous Hollywood Avenue. We can find here handprints of famous people - including Beata Tyszkiewicz, Bogusław Linda, Krystyna Janda, Daniel Olbrychski and Janusz Gajos. In addition, we will see monuments dedicated to Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi or Jeremi Przybor. Whoever likes and remembers "Kryminalnych" can also sit on the series bench. And if we don't have enough stars, there is also a wax figures office waiting for us.

Every year, the European Festival of Stars takes place in Międzyzdroje. It is a unique cultural event at a high level. The first festival took place in 1996 and the names of Fellini and Kieślowski appeared on its banner. The following topics were no less ambitious - the "patrons" of the festival were the figures of Wisława Szymborska and Andrzej Wajda, Adam Mickiewicz and Fryderyk Chopin. During the festival, themes of acting, the Gombrowicz Year and the 50th anniversary of the Television Theater were discussed. In 2018, as part of the European Festival of Stars, there were concerts, incl. Tango Show with the Stars, where they performed, among others Kayah and Stanisław Sojka. There was also a recital by Katarzyna Skrzynecka, as well as theater performances and workshops.

Finally, the answer to the age-old question of visitors: are we talking Międzyzdroje or Międzyzdroi? The first name is correct. So we invite you to Międzyzdroje! We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer of apartments in Międzyzdroje!

Long history of leisure (and more)

Międzyzdroje is located on the largest Polish island – Wolin. People came here already in the Stone Age, and later Goths and Vikings also visited. The Slavic inhabitants created one of the most powerful states in the region on the island, and their city supposedly had twelve gates, which was then a metropolis. In later times, the Volinians dealt with, among other things, lucrative privateers, even attracting the wrath of the King of Denmark.

The history of Międzyzdroje itself dates back to the 12th century. The development of the village was related to the operation of the trade route that ran that way. Initially, there was an inn here (and therefore – it also began with tourism). After longer “holidays” of Swedes, and then Prussians, who took over the island, the town was promoted by the English, who in the 18th century could not praise the benefits of bathing in salt water and the unique climate of the island. Even then, this place began to become fashionable.

Międzyzdroje transformed from a poor fishing village into a health resort in the 19th century. It was then that the pier, promenade and park were built, which served the residents of the first bathing facilities. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were already many guesthouses, hotels and villas here. One year Międzyzdroje was able to visit as many as 20,000 summer visitors. After the Second World War, Międzyzdroje gained city rights, already granted by the Polish administration.

In 1949, the era of employee holidays began. The constitution of the People’s Republic of Poland guaranteed the citizens the right to rest, which was an absolute novelty for the proletariat. Initially, it was a dream – holidaymakers were quartered in common rooms completely randomly. Later, the conditions improved and the schedule of the day stabilized, which still arouses the sentiment of current pensioners – meals in the canteen, relaxing on the beach and evening relaxation in the common room.

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